Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
When Sachin Tendulkar changed his appearance for a movie date with Anjali | Off the field News

Sachin Tendulkar’s love story with wife Anjali is filled with memorable and heartwarming moments, one of which involved a creative wardrobe change to ensure their privacy during a movie date.
In the early days of their relationship, Sachin was already a celebrated cricketer, making it challenging for him to go out in public without attracting attention.
Despite these obstacles, the young couple was eager to spend time together, which led to a delightful episode that highlighted Sachin’s playful side.
To avoid being recognized by fans or paparazzi during a movie date, Sachin came up with a clever plan. He decided to change his attire, donning a disguise that would make it hard for anyone to identify him.
This impromptu disguise allowed Sachin and Anjali to blend into the crowd, ensuring they could watch the movie ‘Roja‘ together like any other young couple.
Sachin wore specs, and sported a fake beard, but to his dismay his specs fell and soon he was mobbed by the fans during the interval and eventually they had to leave the movie halfway.
It was a rare moment where Sachin, known for his intense focus and serious demeanour on the cricket field, revealed a lighter, more playful side.