As we welcome the introspective vibe of October, The Hermit steps into centre stage as the Tarot card of the month. This card is always synonymous with inner wisdom, being lonely, and spiritual development, so perfect for the fall season and all the introspection that this time of year brings.
In traditional decks, The Hermit represents a lone figure who, carrying a lantern, illuminates his path to truth and enlightenment.His staff represents support and direction; the dark background contains the shadowy, unknown parts of ourselves. It is his lantern that lights his path, not others’; it reminds us that answers we seek lie within ourselves, found through introspection and self-discovery.
October is the month when nature slows down and readies itself for winter. In the same way, The Hermit encourages you to put aside external activities and focus on inner growth. It’s an invitation to take a few steps back from distractions, open up some space for isolation, and reflect. Use this as an opportunity to get perspective on your goals, pull out of your personal rut, and connect with your inner voice.
Whether you are looking inside your relationships, your career life, or spiritual growth, The Hermit suggests that you should learn to believe in the process. In other words, it is not about isolating yourself from the world but finding the necessary silence in order to hear your own thoughts and find your own wisdom. Find some moments this month for meditation, journaling, or spending time with nature to gain deeper understanding of yourself and the world you know.
For October, The Hermit encourages you to wait and trust your inner process. Don’t hurry with your decisions or some outer validation. Pass through this introspective stage of recharging and prepare to get ready for the next cycle of personal growth. The Hermit reminds us that wisdom is inside ourselves, and this is the best month to listen to what our heart has to say.